Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pizza Steve! Dinosaurs and Shirts! Whatever you can find under your couch! It's Uncle Grandpa!


Where will you be when the acid kicks in?

I'm not happy with this, how is there even an Uncle Grandpa?!? Well, Kaylee from Yahoo Answers can explain this:

Their mom/dads brother would had to have done incest with their mom, producing another baby who is their child and also their sibling. Then that child would grow up and have a baby, that baby's uncle would also be their grandpa because their mom/dads brother was also their dad. "

Oh yeah, he's also done it so many times, he's EVERYONE'S uncle/grandpa in the world. That is a ratio of 1:1 persons related to Uncle Grandpa, to the entire population of Earth.

Now to the other characters:

Mr. Gus, Godzilla + Tank Top + The Nice Black Guy from the Ghetto = Mr. Gus. A boring character who walks around all day being bored until something exciting shows up. Just like.. umm... real life. 

Pizza Steve, Lets take one of everyone's favorite foods, attach arms and legs, add sunglasses, give it the RAAADDD '80s personality and BAM! New character! Now go! Show it to the kids! We'll be able to eat again if they like it! Go! Go! GOOOO!!!

Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, I think the most time they took developing the character was naming it, although I wish to find what zoo's website they found the vector image of the tiger from, so I could download it. It is a pretty high quality vector.

Remember Secret Mountain Fort Awesome? The show that had it renewed for 2 extra seasons even though season one hadn't even started yet? And that it had it's third season scrapped as the show's first two seasons failed to make people look at it? And that those who did look at it most likely vomited? I used to like the show, for like 2 episodes, then I grew up. Anyways, that was Pete Browngardt, the creator of this show.
He looks like the one guy you saw at the pool when you were 9, and now you can re-assure just by the smile, he was on meth.

Go ahead kids, just touch it, I wouldn't do anything bad to ya.
I prommmiissseeeee...


Taking random things and putting them together doesn't make a good show.

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